The Acts of the Apostles

The Acts of the Apostles

Category: Biblical Studies
  • AvailableHardback9781942699156146 pages: USD 30.00 / GBP 24.95, Printed Case Add to basket
  • AvailableDigital9781942699163146 pages: USD 14.99 / GBP 11.99 Add to basket
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Hardback, 146 pages
Format Detail
Printed Case
Sep 1, 2017
10 in x 7 in
579 grams
EPUB, 146 pages
Sep 1, 2017

— About the Book —

Writing in the tradition of biblical exegetes, such as St John Chrysostom, Blessed Theophylact of Bulgaria, and St Theophan the Recluse, the work of Archbishop Averky (Taushev) provides a commentary that is firmly grounded in the teaching of the Church, manifested in its liturgical hymnography and the works of the Holy Fathers. Using the best of prerevolutionary Russian sources, these writings also remained abreast of developments in Western biblical scholarship, engaging with it directly and honestly. In this second of three planned volumes, the author explains the significance of the Church's earliest history, as recorded in the Book of Acts. Questions of authorship and time of composition are also addressed. Archbishop Averky's commentaries on the New Testament have become standard textbooks in Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary and have been published in Russia to widespread acclaim. This present volume is the first translation of these texts into English. it is an indispensable addition to the library of every student of the New Testament.

— Author Biography —

Archbishop Averky (Taushev) (1906–1976) was the fourth abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. Through his long years of pastoral and episcopal service, he became well known among Orthodox Christians for his staunch defense of the Church's faith and traditions. Father Seraphim (Rose) wrote, "Archbishop Averky was one of the last giants of 20th-century Orthodoxy . . . . [He] was an Orthodox scholar in the unbroken tradition of patristic thought which has come down to us from the ancient Fathers to our own days.” Archbishop Averky's writings have been published in many languages, including Russian, English, Romanian, and Serbian.


— Contents —



 1. The Meaning of the Term "Apostolos"

     - The Content of the Apostolos

 2. Overview of the Acts of the Apostles

     - The Writer of the Book and the Reason for Its Composition

     -  The Time and Place of the Composition of the Book of Acts

     - The Content of the Book of Acts

     - The Significance of the Book of Acts


Part I

 3. The Church of Christ Among the Jews

     - Acts Chapter One to Twelve


Part II

 4. The Church of Christ Among the Gentiles

     - Acts Chapter Thirteen to Twenty-Eight



Subject Index

Scripture Index

— More from the Author —
Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament
Руководство к изучению Священнаго Писания Новаго Завета. Часть I: Четвероевангелие
The Four Gospels
The Epistles and the Apocalypse