All-Night Vigil
Clergy Service Book
- AvailableHardback9780884654896312 pages: USD 44.00 / GBP 36.95, 2nd ed. Add to basket
— About the Book —
This pocket-size hieratikon contains all the texts necessary for a deacon or priest in serving the daily hours of the Orthodox Church - Vespers, Compline, Midnight Office, Matins and the hours. Church Slavonic and English texts are provided in parallel, on facing pages. Also included are instructions and additional prayers for the All-Night Vigil and the services of Great Lent, the festal and Sunday prokeimena, and festal megolynaria. The cloth binding is sewn for durability with a stamped cover.
This second edition has been updated with corrections from errata to the first edition and thoroughly revised to conform to the style of the other bilingual service books in this series. It also includes selected texts from the Menologion previously omitted, whilst certain supplementary materials have been excluded as not being needed by the priest or deacon for the performance of these services. Finally, this edition includes more marking ribbons to facilitate the preparation of text from multiple sections throughout a single service.
— Contents —
The Order of Vespers
The Order of Compline and the Midnight Office
The Order of Matins
The Order of Small Vespers
The Order of the All-Night Vigil
During the Holy Forty Days of Lent
The Prokeimena from the Triodion and the Pentecostarion Period
The Prokeimena for Sundays, and Common Prokeimena for the Saints
Selections from the Menologion
The Magnifications for the Feasts
The Festal Dismissals
The Weekday Dismissals